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Letter to Henry Clapp, Jr., June 12, 1860

Whitman, Walt. "Letter to Henry Clapp, Jr., June 12, 1860." Walt Whitman: The Correspondence. Ed. Edwin Haviland Miller. New York: New York University Press, 1961. 55.
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Whitman writes to Henry Clapp, Jr. to request that he include a poem and piece of prose by Mr. Leland in the next week’s Saturday Press.

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To Henry Clapp, Jr. 6.12. [1860]

Brooklyn, | Tuesday afternoon, June 12.
Dear friend,
Fearful that, by insufficient examination you may not do justice to the articles from Mr. Leland, but give them the go-by, I write to make a special request that, if convenient, you print them in the next S[aturday] P[ress]—the poem leading the first col. first page, the prose following immediately after. Those articles, (I feel it thoroughly,) have certain little grains of salt that I wish to see put in a way of “leavening” the lump of _________ you know what.
Did you see what Mrs. Heenan says about me in last “Sunday Murcury”—first page?

People who Created this Work

Whitman, Walt author

People Mentioned in this Work

Clapp, Henry [pages:55]

The letter is addressed to Henry Clapp, Jr.

Menken, Adah

Whitman refers to Adah Issacs Menken as "Mrs. Heenan," in reference to her marriage to the boxer John C. Heenan.