Letter to Walt Whitman This letter from Fred Vaughan to Walt Whitman was sent on April 9, 1860. Fred Vaughan to WW, New York, April 9, 1860 How is this, Walt? I have written to you twice since I heard from you. Why don’t you answer? How about them proof sheets? I have not seen any of them yet. Come, Walt, remember I take a deep interest in all that concerns you and must naturally be anxious to hear from you. Mrs. Cooper and Robert keep asking me every evening “if I have heard from Walt yet.” and if you do not write to me soon I am afraid I shall be under the painful necessity of telling a lie to keep up your reputation. — There is nothing new here. —The weather was disgusting both yesterday and today wet, muddy and chilly. —Did you see the Sunday Courier of April first? It contains an article on “Yankee Bards and New York Critics.” —Get it if you can there, if not let me know & I will send it to you. It gives a good description of the Bohemian Club at Pfaffs in which you are set down as the grand master of ceremonies. Our folks have shifted me once more. I am now back again in my old position at ~68 Broadway, behind the desk. —So please address me here. —Mrs. Cooper and Robert send their love and best wishes. —Write soon and do not forget those sheets. Your friend, “Fred.”