Letter to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, November 13, 1866 Whitman writes to his mother on November 13, 1866, from the Attorney General’s office in Washington. Whitman has had a bad cold for the past week, but is feeling better. To Louisa Van Velsor Whitman Washington, Nov. 13, 1866 Dearest Mother, I have had a very bad cold the past week or so, but am feeling better to-day. I am at the office as usual every day. The promotion I spoke about last week hasn't come yet-I guess I had better make no reckoning of it till it comes-Mother, I havn't received any letter from you the past week-I sent you day before yesterday a paper with the piece in (or most of it) from the London Fortnightly Review-it was meant well, but a good deal of it is most ridiculous. Here in the office every thing goes on as usual. The Attorney General and Assistant are very busy getting themselves ready to argue their cases in the U.S. Supreme Court, which holds a session here every winter, & all the big cases, in which the U.S. are a party, come off on such occasions. We are having pleasant weather yet- a little dusty though. The O'Connors are all well-they have got to move, & are worrying a good deal about it. Well, I believe that is all-so good bye for this time, mother dear. I send my love to Jeff & George & Mat & all. Walt.