Letter to William D. O'Connor, May 12, 1867 In a letter to William D. O’Connor, dated May 12, 1867, Whitman writes that his brother is still quite ill. If his condition remains stable, Whitman intends to depart for Washington soon. To William D. O'Connor 5.12.[1867] ADDRESS: Wm. D. O'Connor,|Light House Board,| Treasury Department,|Washington,|D.C. POSTMARK: New-York|May|13. Sunday Afternoon|May 12. Dear friend, My brother does not get on quite as well as I had anticipated. Yet I still hold to the judgment in my previous letter. He has, & is, very sick-has had improved spells, & then goes down again. To-day he is in the latter condition. William, I received the letter, with Ramsdells note. Also, Allen's. (Also the first letter soon after my arrival here.) As to Allen, refusing &c. giving his views, reasons, &c. &c. it is perhaps one of those services to a thing, (precious, rare & precious, in philosophy, & life too,) rendered by showing not only how that thing appears from the point of view of intensest vermin & filth, exclusively, but of vermin & filth diluted with shallowness to the last degree that life will bear. If my brother does not get worse, & no crisis takes place, I think, (as at present intending) I shall leave for Washington Wednesday morning next. Mother is well, (considering). All the rest are first rate. Jeff is in St. Louis. Nelly, I send you my true love, my darling. Walt.