Letter to Michael Doolady, November 13, 1867 Whitman writes to Mr. Michael Doolady in response to his offer to be Whitman’s agent for Leaves of Grass. The letter is incomplete.
To Michael Doolady
ENDORSED (by WW): "sent M. Doolady|448
Broome St.|N.Y.
Nov. 13, 1867.
In reply to your note of some days since, in reference to acting as my agent, for sale of "Leaves of Grass," I would say as follows:
I presume that Anderson & Archer, binders, No. 6 Reade street, N.Y., have now ready 100 copies, just bound. These you can have, if desired, as follows:
14 copies, as I understand from French & Richardson, are due you, having already been paid for by you. The remaining 76 copies you can have at $1(?)8cts [each], this is [incomplete]