Letter to John Townsend Trowbridge, December 27, 1863 Whitman writes to John Townsend Trowbridge to update him on the condition of Caleb Babbitt and to send word to Mr. Shillaber about Frank McDonald.
To John Towsend Trowbridge
Washington | Dec 27 1863
Dear friend,
I have left word at the office Armory Square hospital about Caleb Babbitt’s descriptive list. Poor boy, I should like much to see him & soothe him—I hope he will yet keep up his spirits. About the package of books, direct them to me, (if you should find convenient to send them) to Washington, 456 Sixth St north, 3d story back room—Should you see Mr. Shillaber tell him I see Frank McDonald every day or so—I saw him last evening, saw his wound and examined it—he still lies constantly in bed—The wound is not in a very favorable way, yet nothing really serious—Mr. S must write and send papers to him &c, often as convenient—I am well & in hospitals every day—So, dear friend, good bye for present—
Walt Whitman.
Address care of Major Hapgood, paymaster U.S.A., Washington D.C.