Letter to James Russell Lowell, January 20, 1860 Whitman writes to James Russell Lowell about the upcoming publication of his piece Bardic Symbols. He gives Mr. Lowell permission to exclude two of the poem’s more graphic lines. To James Russell Lowell Jan. 20, '60 Dear Sir, Mr. House informed me that you accepted, and would publish, my “Bardic Symbols.” If so, would you, as soon as convenient, have it put in type, and send me the proof? About the two lines: (See from my dead lips the ooze exuding at last! See the prismatic colors glistening and rolling!) I have in view, from them, an effect in the piece which I clearly feel, but cannot as clearly define. Though I should prefer them in, still, as I told Mr. House, I agree that you may omit them, if you decidedly wish to. Yours&c Walt Whitman Portland av. Near Myrtle | Brooklyn, N.Y.