Dramatic Feuilleton Quelqu'un begins the Feuilleton by reprinting a letter from a French reader that accuses Personne of being both French and a woman. Quelqu'un then discusses why he doesn't often go to the theater and contrasts his approach to the entertainment to Personne's. Quelqu'un discusses "eternal people," and states that "Anyone who can go to the theatre, or anywhere else (except Pfaff's) more than once a moon, and see anything in it, is doubtless a very cheerful bird, but he is not one of my feather" (3). Quelqu'un also engages in a discussion of the absurdity of "dramatic laws" and critical standards when he feels that the criticism of the people is the only thing that matters. Quelqu'un reviews Kate Bateman's debut at the Winter Garden in Evangeline and reprints the remarks on her performance from the Evening Mirror. He announces the currently on-going chamber concerts at Goldbeck's Music Hall. Quelqu'un explains why he hasn't been to see either of the Irish dramas currently at Niblo's or Keene's and reprints Dion Bourcicualt's letters about Colleen Bawn that he addressed to Laura Keene and the public. Quelqu'un also reprints a notice about Wallace's Lurline from the recent issue of Musical World and offers act-by-act summaries of the show.