Thoughts and Things No. V Clare begins her column with a review of Henry St. John, Gentleman, a novel that she seems, on the whole, to find unimpressive. Clare also feels positive that there are passages in the book which must have been written by a woman. Clare discusses a rumor of a contest at Harper's to award a prize to the most inane submission they received this month. Clare claims that "Armisitice" is the winner, but finds the whole practice of printing poor pieces puzzling. She claims part of her interest lies in the fact that Harper's "Easy Chair" once published an anonymous letter from her on the quality of the pieces they publish. Clare also discusses the general "surprise" at the smaller-than-expected success of the Sicilian Vespers and comments again on her remarks about Beulah. Clare also reviews Sword and Gown, which leads to a lengthy discussion of her opinions on men in the arts and their proper place within this sphere.