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Relationships of Willis, Nathaniel

To explore the relationships between the various bohemian writers and artists who frequented Pfaff's bar, select a person or group, and then select a relationship type. This section of the site is currently under construction; new content is being added on a regular basis.

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6

Aldrich, Thomas Bailey (1836-1907)

N.P. Willis offered Aldrich an editorial position at the Home Journal when Aldrich was nineteen.

Some poems Aldrich submitted to the Home Journal caught the attention of N. P. Willis, the editor, who introduced them to his readers in a very flattering manner.

Stoddard, Richard Henry (1825-1903)

When Stoddard's career was just starting, he brought N.P. Willis some of his manuscript poems and asked him to review and critique his work. Willis wrote the following note that Stoddard received when he called at the offices of the Home Journal a few weeks later: "I should think the writer of these poems had genius enough to make a reputation. Pruning, trimming and condensing is necessary to make them what they should be; the same labor was necessary to make Lord Byron's genius, and that of Tom Moore. It is hard work to do, but well paid when done" (596). Derby writes, "These words were the first real encouragement that he had ever received, an Mr. Stoddard further says, that no young person possessing any kind of talent ever appealed to N.P. Willis without receving aid and encouragement" (596).


Aldrich, Thomas Bailey (1836-1907)

Aldrich enjoyed going to visit Willis at his home, Idlewild, on the Hudson River.