Representing "Awarishness": Burlesque, Feminist Transgression, and the 19th-Century Pin-Up
Buszek, Maria-Elena. "Representing "Awarishness": Burlesque, Feminist Transgression, and the 19th-Century Pin-Up." TDR (1988-). German Brecht, European Readings, 1999. 141-162.
Buszek provides biographical information about Menken's theatrical career, as well as photographic images. Menken's careers as poet, essayist, and Women's Rights activist are also discussed.
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MENTIONED IN - Representing "Awarishness": Burlesque, Feminist Transgression, and the 19th-Century Pin-Up
Adah Menken, an actress "not known for her talent, but rather for her frenetic energy, her charismatic presence, and her willingness to expose herself," was born in a suburb of New Orleans (Richard