Born in Riga, NY, Mortimer Thomson was a humorist and journalist who wrote under the name Q. K. Philander Doesticks, P.B.--Queer Kritter, Philander Doesticks, Perfect Brick ("Obituary," 5).
This positive review of Mortimer Thomson's (also known as Q. K. Philander Doesticks) Doesticks: What He Says takes on the tone of Thomson's own satirical whimsy in its assessment of the book: “Your demon has baptized you in ink. You are gathered in that spell. You can never escape. You must write-—write-—till the cows come home” (593).
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Born in Riga, NY, Mortimer Thomson was a humorist and journalist who wrote under the name Q. K. Philander Doesticks, P.B.--Queer Kritter, Philander Doesticks, Perfect Brick ("Obituary," 5).
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