Whitman, Walt. "Letter to John Burroughs, September 10, 1866." Walt Whitman: The Correspondence. Ed. Edwin Haviland Miller. New York: New York University Press, 1961. 285.
In this note to John Burroughs, Whitman discusses his forthcoming book, and his fear that that printers will make ridiculous errors when publishing it.
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To John Burroughs [9.10.1866]
The book is going to suit me pretty well-it will make a volume of 500 pages, size and style &c fully equal to `Drum Taps'-I shall feel glad enough when it is completed-I have a constant struggle with the printers -They are good fellows and willing enough-but it seems impossible to prevent them making lots of ridiculous errors-it is my constant dread that the book will be disfigured in that way-though we have got along pretty well thus far....