To Louisa Van Velsor Whitman
Attorney General’s Office,
Washington. March 19, 1867.
Dearest mother,
I got both your letters last week, & they were a relief to my mind—I want to hear whether sis got over swallowing the penny—don’t forget to write about it—It has been cold and disagreeable here, and another snow storm—but the sun shone all day yesterday—it keeps pretty backward here.
I went down to the Hospital Sunday—that young man Kephart was sitting up by the stove—he looked very pale & thin, but is doing far better than I anticipated.
I have written a letter to Han—I have received a letter from Mrs. Price—they have most all of them been sick this winter—I see quite a good many notices of Dr. Ruggles’ death in the papers—I enclose one printed in the paper here—taken from N. Y. Post—there is quite a long one in the Round Table, of March 16.
Everything is exactly the same in the office, & with me—Ashton has returned from Philadelphia—he tells me, confidentially, that he has decided to resign, early this summer—I am sorry to hear it—
I hope George will have good luck with the houses—he must take things cool—don’t fail to write me how everything goes—
Well, I believe that is all, for this time, dear mother.