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Letter to John Swinton (?), June 9, 1865

Whitman, Walt. "Letter to John Swinton (?), June 9, 1865." Walt Whitman: The Correspondence. Ed. Edwin Haviland Miller. New York: New York University Press, 1961. 263.
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Whitman writes a short letter to John Swinton, enclosing two copies of his new book Drum Taps.

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To John Swinton (?)

Washington | June 9, 1865
My dear friend,
The Homer has come & is now lying before me. I thank you deeply. I am very well, this summer, & go to the Hospitals daily & nightly—as I find a greater proportion of sad cases than ever--& for some reason or other there are few or no visitors. I enjoy my visits with a sad but profound joy & satisfaction—especially at night, when the light is nearly turned off, & I am soothing some suffering one.
I send you, same mail with this, two copies of the little book Drum Taps. Farewell.
Walt Whitman

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Whitman, Walt author