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Dramatic Feuilleton

Personne [Wilkins, Edward G. P.]. "Dramatic Feuilleton." New-York Saturday Press. 11 Feb. 1860: 3.
theater criticism

Personne notes the recent popularity of the "Nil Admirari School" which seems to influence the popularity of certain shows and performers. Personne engages in a long discussion of the current production of Oliver Twist at the Winter Garden and the potential for that theater to produce art. Personne gives a lengthy account of the popular reaction to Fanny Morant's marriage to a man named Smith and lists himself as one of "the men at the Club" who have objections to Smith. Personne also gives an account of other theatrical events of the week, writes about what the Boston press is currently saying about the New York theatrical scene, and reviews the week's Opera performances at Irving Place.

People who Created this Work

People Mentioned in this Work

Heron, Matilda [pages:3]

Personne reprints Jefferson's announcement of Heron's performance as Nancy Sykes in Oliver Twist at the Winter Garden. Personne expresses his frustration at the phrase that she "condescends" to play the role (3).

Jefferson, Joseph [pages:3]

Personne reprints Jefferson's announcement of Heron's performance in Oliver Twist at the Winter Garden (3).

Keene, Laura [pages:3]

Personne notes in a footnote that Mr. Bourcicault is the temporary manager of Laura Keene's Theatre. Personne reports that Keene's theater and Niblo's are currently doing the most business (3).

Wallack's Lyceum [pages:3]

Personne mentions the leap from the tower that is an important plot point of Romance of a Poor Young Man (3). Personne reports that Fanny Morant, the comedienne at Wallack's, has married a man named Smith (3).

Wilkins, Edward (Ned) [pages:3]

As one of "the men at the Club," Personne lodges his personal objections to the Smith that Fanny Morant has married (3).