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Dramatic Feuilleton

Personne [Wilkins, Edward G. P.]. "Dramatic Feuilleton." New York Saturday Press. 17 Jan. 1860: 3.
theater criticism

Personne writes that the holiday week has been "dull" for the theaters, which have been mainly given over to "children and Peorians" (3). He reviews Green Bushes with a mocking French accent. In addition to general news and upcoming shows, Personne predicts a short run for A Husband to Order at Wallack's. Personne reports that it has been announced that Matilda Heron will star in a new play in Boston, Lesbia, and discusses the media response to this news. Personne announces that his five-act tragedy, Anna Maria, "is nearly ready for the stage" (3). Personne concludes the Feuilleton with a discussion of the confusion in Boston over "what to do with" the opera and the various reports and reviews from Boston critics (3).

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People Mentioned in this Work

Heron, Matilda [pages:3]

Personne reports that "the Heron" will in a new play in Boston, Lesbia (3).

Keene, Laura [pages:3]

Personne refers to Keene's legal conflict with Mr. George Jordan. Personne also reports that the production of Bourcicault's new version of The Heart of Mid-Lothian has been announced for Monday (3).

Wallack's Lyceum [pages:3]

Personne predicts a short run for A Husband to Order at Wallack's (3).

Wallack, John [pages:3]

Personne mentions Mr. Lester's "irreproachable" "buckskins" in his discussion of what the audience will take away from A Husband to Order. Personne reports that his The Romance of a Young Man is expected to debut on Wednesday or Thursday (3).

Whitman, Walt [pages:3]

Personne makes a brief mention of Whitman.

Wilkins, Edward (Ned) [pages:3]

Personne notes that the "dull week" in the theaters was more the type of week that Anna Maria enjoys than he does. Personne also announces that his "new five-act tragedy, Anna Maria, is nearly ready for the stage" (3).