Born in New York City on New Year’s Eve in 1820, John Lester Wallack was christened John Johnstone Wallack; he later adopted Lester John Wallack as his professional name.
Personne reports that Laura Keene has officially engaged Bourcicault and Agnes Robertson at her theater. He also gives general theatrical news, including his dislike of Keene's Distant Relations, the "good run" of Everybody's Friend at Wallack's, and the progress of The Octoroon at the Winter Garden. In a discussion of Mr. Blake's reputation and acting style, Personne digresses to discuss a visit by a young man from Poughkeepsie who sold newspapers to a "cafe (and cakes) to which the lower order of Bohemia, to wit, the newsboys, did invariably resort for festive purposes" (3). Personne reviews the week's events in opera; the company is to depart for Boston that afternoon. At the end of the column, Personne notes that he will not be able to address his readers until the new year, and gives the "usual compliments." He hails Bohemia and its Queen and describes it as "the only free community on the face of the earth" (3).
Personne reports that Keene has announced her "engagement" of Bourcicault and Agnes Robertson. Personne notes that Keene has advertised for Bourcicault's adaptation of Sir Walter Scott's novel The Heart of the Mid-Lothian. Personne finds it humorous that Keene's advertisement implies that the deceased Scott will be supervising the production. Personne also disliked Distant Relations at Keene's Theatre. The major problem with the play seems to be the "vexed political questions" it deals with, but he also declares that the company is "wretched" (3).
Personne notes that he will not address the readers until the next year and offers the "usual compliments" to those who deserve them (3).
Personne reports that Everybody's Friend is having a "good run" at Wallack's (3).
Personne reports that Wallack has been "getting philologically fine lately" and has been referring to the "antique" Knocks and Noses as a "Fairy Folly." Personne claims that Wallack is wiser than Keen for not dramatizing "vexed political questions" (3).
An electronic version of this text was previously available in CONTENTdm and has been migrated to Lehigh University's Digital Collections. Reconstruction of direct links to individual articles is in progress. In the meantime, browse issues of the Saturday Press in the Vault at Pfaff's Digital Collection. Page images of The New York Saturday Press were scanned from microfilm owned by Emory University, which was made from original copies held by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
Born in New York City on New Year’s Eve in 1820, John Lester Wallack was christened John Johnstone Wallack; he later adopted Lester John Wallack as his professional name.
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