Born to a family of tradesmen in New York City, Charles Gayler began his career as a teacher before he moved to Ohio and worked as a journalist and editor.
Personne begins with a discussion and review of the events of the New York celebration of Schiller's 100th birthday. Personne also notes the events at Wallack's, the Winter Garden, the opera, and the marriages and departures from New York of the "pretty actresses." The "accidental" death of a California senator begins a discussion of others who are connected to "tubs" and a review of Plunkett's new play at the Bowery. Personne reivews The Wife's Secret at the Park Pit and Verdi's Vespers. The Fueilleton ends with a letter to the Editor of the Saturday Press from Charles Gayler that addresses the remarks made by Personne about Many a Slip 'Twixt the Cup and the Lip.
Personne reprints Gayler's letter about his remarks about Many a Slip 'Twixt the Cup and the Lip (2).
Personne reviews her performance in The Wife's Secret at the old Park Pit (2).
Personne reprints a letter to the Editor of the Saturday Press from Charles Gayler about Personne's remarks about Many a Slip 'Twixt the Cup and the Lip(2).
Personne notes that Wallack's is presenting Buckstone's The Wreck Ashore. Personne reprints a letter to the Editor of the Saturday Press from Gayler about Many a Slip 'Twixt the Cup and the Lip, performed at Wallack's the previous summer (2).
The letter to the Editor of the Saturday Press from Gayler discusses Personne's remarks about Many a Slip 'Twixt the Cup and the Lip (2).
An electronic version of this text was previously available in CONTENTdm and has been migrated to Lehigh University's Digital Collections. Reconstruction of direct links to individual articles is in progress. In the meantime, browse issues of the Saturday Press in the Vault at Pfaff's Digital Collection. Page images of The New York Saturday Press were scanned from microfilm owned by Emory University, which was made from original copies held by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
Born to a family of tradesmen in New York City, Charles Gayler began his career as a teacher before he moved to Ohio and worked as a journalist and editor.
27 Memorial Drive West, Bethlehem, PA 18015