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Thoughts and Things No. IV

Clare, Ada. "Thoughts and Things No. IV." New York Saturday Press. 12 Nov. 1859: 2.

In this column, Clare gives her thoughts on Beulah, which she criticizes as an "inane" copy of Jane Eyre (2). Clare mentions she has been to see the Marble Heart and praises Laura Keene's acting style. She also discusses a production of Smike by the same company and reviews several members of the cast. Clare also shares her feelings on hot air balloons, recommends Getty Gay's "Waking From Illusions" from the previous edition of the Saturday Press, and criticizes "vain men" for "despising love" and scorning the affection they're offered (2).

People who Created this Work

Clare, Ada author

People Mentioned in this Work

Gay, Getty [pages:2]

Clare recommeds reading Getty Gay's "Waking from Illusions," a sketch found in the previous week's Saturday Press (2).

Jefferson, Joseph [pages:2]

Clare calls Jefferson the "mainspring" of the most recent production of the play Smike. Clare claims that when she sees Jefferson perform she "regret[s] deeply that I ever to have seen him disgrace himself as Asa Trenchard" (2).

Keene, Laura [pages:2]

In writing about the Marble Heart, Clare discusses Keene's acting and her mastery of "tone" and the naturalness of her performance (2).

The Saturday Press [pages:2]

Clare mentions Getty Gay's "Waking from Illusions," which was printed in the previous week's Saturday Press (2).