Though much of her early life, including her real name and exact date of birth, remains in shadow, Laura Keene is thought to have come from a well-to-do background.
Personne begins the Feuilleton with a review of the opening night of the Winter Garden and the theater's company. He notes that the opening performance was Bourcicault's A Cricket on the Hearth. Personne also reviews The World and the Stage at Laura Keene. Personne discusses the end of the opera season on the next weekend and gives general opera news and commentary. He reports that Wallack's is to open on Monday with a new comedy from Brougham. The Feuilleton also includes a reprint of a letter from Matilda Heron-Stoepel to the Editor of the Tribune that corrects erroneous reports about her business relationship with Mr. Bateman.
Personne reports that Wallack's is set to open with one of Brougham's comedies on Monday. Brougham is also mentioned as a member of the cast (2).
Personne reprints a letter from Heron-Stoepel to the Editor of the Tribune that corrects the reports about the negative nature of her contractual and business relationships with Mr. Bateman (2).
Personne mentions him as a member of the new company at the Winter Garden (2).
Personne anticipates that the Winter Garden will be competition for Wallack's. Personne mentions that the theater is set to open next Monday with a comedy from Brougham (2).
Personne lists Lester Wallack as a member of the cast of Brougham's new comedy, set to open at Wallack's on Monday. Personne also mentions that he saw Wallack at the opening of the Winter Garden (2).
An electronic version of this text was previously available in CONTENTdm and has been migrated to Lehigh University's Digital Collections. Reconstruction of direct links to individual articles is in progress. In the meantime, browse issues of the Saturday Press in the Vault at Pfaff's Digital Collection. Page images of The New York Saturday Press were scanned from microfilm owned by Emory University, which was made from original copies held by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
Though much of her early life, including her real name and exact date of birth, remains in shadow, Laura Keene is thought to have come from a well-to-do background.
27 Memorial Drive West, Bethlehem, PA 18015