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Dramatic Feuilleton

Personne [Wilkins, Edward G. P.]. "Dramatic Feuilleton." New York Saturday Press. 16 Apr. 1859: 2.
theater criticism

Personne begins with a discussion of the opera and a review of La Travista, which he does despite his claim that he won't be reviewing the show. Personne also reports that Mr. Wallack is playing some of his old roles to large crowds, announces the cast of Laura Keene's upcoming production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, and notes the current events at the opera, the French Theatre, and New Orleans. Personne also reprints the review of the Mesalliance from the Times, as he forgot what the show was about.

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People Mentioned in this Work

Clifton, Ada [pages:2]

Personne reports that Clifton is slated to play "Hermia" in the upcoming production of A Midsummer Night's Dream at Laura Keene's Theatre (2).

Keene, Laura [pages:2]

Personne mentions that Laura Keene has announced that she will produce A Midsummer Night's Dream this week. She is also listed as slated to play the role of "Puck" (2).

Strakosch, Maurice and Max (brothers) [pages:2]

It is unclear which Mr. Strakosch Personne refers to as helping give a benefit at the opera house in Cincinnati. Personne mentions that the "Strakosch nightengales" are in Pittsburgh (2).

Wallack, John [pages:2]

(It is unclear which Mr. Wallack Personne is writing about). Personne reports that Mr. Wallack is performing in some of his old roles. Personne urges readers to go see him perform and claims that Wallack is drawing big houses (2).