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Dramatic Feuilleton

Personne [Wilkins, Edward G. P.]. "Dramatic Feuilleton." New-York Saturday Press. 15 Feb. 1859: 2.
theater criticism

Personne begins with a discussion of the "job litterateur" and writes about how the play Our [Female] American Cousin seems to be the work of one of these writers. Personne goes on to review Our [Female] American Cousin, a Gayler play. Personne also discusses the plays and performances at Niblo's and in the opera. He also reviews Mr. Lester's The Veteran and praises him for his acting and writing, despite the recent critiques voiced against Lester for the shaving of his whiskers and his acts of "parricide" in the performance and staging of the play.

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People Mentioned in this Work

Gayler, Charles [pages:2]

Personne writes that "Mr. Gayler's Cousin is Mr. Taylor's Cousin, with a slight difference in attire" in discussing Gayler's Our [Female] American Cousin (2).

Heron, Matilda [pages:2]

Personne refers to her here as Mrs. Heron-Stoepel and remarks that her husband's production of "Hiawatha" is a success. She has been providing the "illustrative readings" during the musical production (2).

Jefferson, Joseph [pages:2]

Personne writes that Jefferson has made "a fairish play" not "entirely replusive to common humanity" (2).

Keene, Laura [pages:2]

Personne claims that Keene brought "the first sincere affection" to Burton's. Personne notes, however, that Burton has taken over for Keene (2).

Sothern, Edward [pages:2]

Personne notes that Sothern has been helping to "resuscitate" the Howard Athenaeum in Boston with Mrs. Sinclair-Forest (2).

Wallack, John [pages:2]

Personne writes that Mr. Lester has "sacrificed" his whiskers "to Art" and that public opinion is that he looks "awful." Personne also notes that Mr. Lester has been accused of "parricide" by taking one of his father's roles in a tableau. Personne praises Mr. Lester for his writing and acting in The Veteran (2).