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Harper's New Monthly: No. cv. February 1859

"Harper's New Monthly: No. cv. February 1859." New-York Saturday Press. 22 Jan. 1859: 2.
literary criticism

This short note praises the February, 1859, edition of Harper's New Monthly and claims that the stories, while American, are of English magazine quality. The note complains of the issue's publication of all the pieces without bylines and praises Stoddard's "A Woman's Poem," which is reprinted in the Saturday Press with a byline.

People Mentioned in this Work

Stoddard, Richard [pages:2]

The note remarks that Stoddard's poem "A Woman's Poem" is one of the best parts of the recent edition of Harper's and notes that it has been reprinted on the first page of the Press. The Press has credited Stoddard with the authorship of the poem.