Characterized as an "eccentric literary man not without a spice of genius," William North was born in England and eve
Reprinted from the New York Sunday Courier. The story begins with the narrator, Ernest, meeting with Professor Dunkelheim, an inventor, during which he requests that the Professor take two portraits - one of himself and the other of his betrothed, Elora - using his new image-making technique. The narrator hints at his horror and hatred of the Professor that he does not completely understand at their initial meetings. The narrator discusses his first viewing of the Professor's portraits - which are remarkable, moving likenesses - and the fears and sense of violation expressed by the main characters that the Professor has copies. The story explores the anguish of both watching and being watched. When Ernest returns to the Professor to retrieve the Professor's personal copies, Ernest finds that Dunkleheim has left Berlin. Elora refuses to be married while another person can watch them in their most intimate moments and Ernest leaves to follow Dunkelheim. Ernest's continued desire for revenge against the Professor and his intrusion into their lives culminates with an accidental meeting between the Professor and Ernest in Paris, ending with Ernest's murder of the Professor and his purchase of the original portraits at a Paris auction.
Originally published anonymously in the New York Sunday Courier and reprinted in the June 1852 Photographic Art-Journal, as "The Magnetic Daguerreotypes." Henry Clapp later posthumously published North's short story in The Saturday Press in two parts during the fall of 1858, as "The Magnetic Portraits."
Originally published anonymously in the New York Sunday Courier and reprinted in the June 1852 Photographic Art-Journal, as "The Magnetic Daguerreotypes." Henry Clapp later posthumously published North's short story in The Saturday Press in two parts during the fall of 1858, as "The Magnetic Portraits."
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Characterized as an "eccentric literary man not without a spice of genius," William North was born in England and eve
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