Born on Long Island and raised in Brooklyn, Walt Whitman spent his childhood and early adulthood amid the sights and sounds of New York City and its environs.
The final chapter of this book, "A Day with the Good Gray Poet," recounts the author's conversation with Walt Whitman at Whitman's home in Camden, New Jersey, towards the end of the poet's life. In the course of their conversation Whitman reflects with affection upon fellow Pfaffian George Arnold, whom "Whitman loved and mourned . . . tenderly " (210).
Wolfe writes of his conversation with Whitman in the chapter "A Day with the Good Gray Poet" that upon "[m]entioning George Arnold,--'Doubly dead because he died so young,'--we find that Whitman loved and mourned him tenderly" (210).
The final chapter, "A Day with the Good Gray Poet," briefly discusses Whitman's relationship with fellow Pfaffian George Arnold.
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Born on Long Island and raised in Brooklyn, Walt Whitman spent his childhood and early adulthood amid the sights and sounds of New York City and its environs.
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