Sixes and Sevens [Copied by request from the first number of the Saturday Press, [October 23, 1858]]
A Bohemian. "Sixes and Sevens [Copied by request from the first number of the Saturday Press, [October 23, 1858]]." New York Saturday Press. 30 Dec. 1865: 346-347.
After dining at Delmonico's last Saturday evening, the author finds New York City to be in a state of confusion. In this short narrative, he offers a description of the unusual and often backwards scenes he encounters. Blaming his time at Delmonico's for the strange events, he vows not to return for a year, but explains he wrote the article after another dinner at Delmonico's yesterday.
An electronic version of this text was previously available in CONTENTdm and has been migrated to Lehigh University's Digital Collections. Reconstruction of direct links to individual articles is in progress. In the meantime, browse issues of the Saturday Press in the Vault at Pfaff's Digital Collection. Page images of The New York Saturday Press were scanned from microfilm owned by Emory University, which was made from original copies held by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
MENTIONED IN - Sixes and Sevens [Copied by request from the first number of the Saturday Press, [October 23, 1858]]