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Dramatic Feuilleton

Figaro [Clapp, Henry Jr.]. "Dramatic Feuilleton." New York Saturday Press. 14 Oct. 1865: 168-169.
theater criticism

Figaro opens his column discussing his "indisposition" and his desire to not write this week's Feuilleton. He soon reveals that part of his "indisposition" is due to the serious illness of George Arnold, who is currently in Riverside. Figaro discusses De Walden's Sam and some of the actors starring in the show. Figaro also discusses the role De Walden wrote for himself and his performance. Figaro writes about Bennett's most recent remarks about some popular female performers in the Herald and reprints some of his column from the previous day. Figaro makes a brief mention of Miriam's Crime at Wallack's and Il Trovatore at the Academy of Music. Figaro gives a listing of the upcoming shows and amusements. He ends his column with the reprint of an account from a local Buffalo paper that discusses the most recent fall of Alfred Hanlon, of the acrobatic Hanlon brothers.

People who Created this Work

Clapp, Henry author

People Mentioned in this Work

Arnold, George [pages:168]

Figaro attributes part of his "indisposition" and trouble remembering anything to Arnold's being seriously ill at Riverside (168).

Clapp, Henry [pages:168]

Claiming to be "seized with a fit of 'indisposition'," Figaro states that if he were a performer, he would send someone out to the audience to beg for him to be excused until next week (168).

de Walden, Thomas [pages:168,169]

Figaro claims that he was present at De Walden's "tragedy" of Sam at the Broadway and then corrects himself, mentioning that it is a comedy. He settles on the term "comic drama" to describe the play (168). Figaro also discusses the role De Walden wrote for himself, "Billy Crockett," and De Walden's performance. Figaro also mentions that De Walden was once an army chaplain (169).

Kellogg, Clara [pages:169]

Figaro wonders why Bennett at the Herald doesn't renew his previous year's attacks on Kellogg in light of his recent criticism of several other popular female performers (169).

The Saturday Press [pages:168]

Figaro states what his response to his current "indisposition" would be if the Press were an opera house and not a newspaper (168).

Wallack's Lyceum [pages:168,169]

Figaro claims that he was present at a performance of Miriam's Crime at Wallack's (168). Figaro claims there is not much to say about the play "except that it is a crime to produce such a piece at Wallack's" (169). Figaro urges audiences to see Still Waters Run Deep when it is performed at Wallack's (169).