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Dramatic Feuilleton

Figaro [Clapp, Henry Jr.]. "Dramatic Feuilleton." New York Saturday Press. 23 Sep. 1865: 120-121.

Figaro writes of the re-opening of Wallack's for the regular season, discussing the opening show, The Serf, the redecoration of the theater, and the attire of those present. While he claims there is little to say about the other theaters and amusements in town, Figaro writes about the end of the Kean's engagement at the Broadway and M'me Celeste's upcoming engagement there, which will be followed by the debut of De Walden's Sam. Figaro also discusses the Ravels and Niblo's and suggests the Winter Garden for evening entertainment. Figaro reminds his readers that Maretzek's opera season will begin on Monday with Faust and that Bateman's prima donna, Parepa will end her engagement this evening. Figaro concludes with a brief mention of the Olympic Theatre.

People who Created this Work

Clapp, Henry author

People Mentioned in this Work

de Walden, Thomas [pages:121]

Figaro reports that Frank Chanfrau is set to star in the debut of De Walden's Sam at the Broadway after M'me Celeste's engagement. The play has had a successful run in Indianapolis (121).

Kellogg, Clara [pages:121]

Figaro reports that Kellogg will star in Faust, the opening opera of Maretzek's season (121).

Wallack's Lyceum [pages:120]

Figaro reports that Wallack's Theatre re-opened for the regular season on Thursday night (120).

Wallack, John [pages:120]

Figaro reports that "Mr. Lester" was present at the opening of Wallack's (120).