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One Thing and Another

"One Thing and Another." Saturday Press. 16 Nov. 1858: 3.

This series of brief items includes a discussion of the opinion of Everett's Eulogy of Washington and Irving's Life of Washington, the Tribune's response to a lecture on agriculture given by Hon. Caleb Cushing, and the financing of Henry Ward Beecher's new church.

People Mentioned in this Work

Greeley, Horace [pages:3]

An ironic remark refers to Mr. Greeley as "one of the shrewdest agricultural lecturers in the country" (3). It is the item's suggestion that as the Tribune criticized Caleb Cushing's agricultural editor, the paper should apply to its own editor for satisfactory statements on the topic.

The Saturday Press [pages:3]

An item refers to the previous week's discussion of Everett's Eulogy of Washington and responds to a correspondent's request for the paper's opinion on Irving's Life of Washington.