To explore the relationships between the various bohemian writers and artists who frequented Pfaff's bar, select a person or group, and then select a relationship type. This section of the site is currently under construction; new content is being added on a regular basis.
Gunn notes that "Gaylor [sic]" was one of the men present at the wake for Thomson's first wife (52).
Gunn writes that he met Ottarson and Thompson (172).
Gunn recalls that he "encountered Thomson, fresh or rather weary, from the officer, where he had been 'noticing' a new burlesque of Brougham's"; "Thomson looked jaded, I thought, as if life were not 'all beer and skittles' to him, even with Grace Eldredge for Queen-pin" (87).
Thomson wrote a long poem about the controversy over the original author of Butler's "Nothing to Wear."
According to Gunn, Sol Eytinge illustrated "Thomson's articles in Frank Leslie's paper" and both lived in Brooklyn (86).
According to Paine, Nast frequently did assignments for Leslie's, and "Eytinge or Nast, sometimes both, accompanied him" (22).
According to Paine, Thomson did assignments frequently for Leslie's and "Eytinge and Nast, sometimes both, accompanied him" (22).
Thomson's second wife, Grace Eldredge, was Willis' niece.
Arnold himself has said that some of his poems "were written in the late hours after an evening spent in the underground Broadway resort with Fitz-Hugh Ludlow, Mortimer Thomson, the famous 'Q. K. Philander Doesticks,' and a score of like writers."
Gunn notes that Thomson was present at Sol Eytinge's wedding (160).
Thomson was the groomsman at Eytinge's wedding.
Gunn recalls meeting Thomson and Ottarson who were out together (172).
Gunn notes that Ottarson was among the group of individuals who were present at the wake of his first wife (52).
Wallack is described as an "intimate" of Thomson (5).
Gunn writes that Ottarson probably lived in Thomson's home (10).
27 Memorial Drive West, Bethlehem, PA 18015