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Relationships of Vedder, Elihu

To explore the relationships between the various bohemian writers and artists who frequented Pfaff's bar, select a person or group, and then select a relationship type. This section of the site is currently under construction; new content is being added on a regular basis.

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7

Arnold, George (1834-1865)

Mallen, Edward

Vedder describes their short relationship: "How he died or when he died I never knew. He simply faded out of my life; yet I would very much like to hunt up in the pages of ‘Vanity Fair’ those forgotten gems of his” (220).

Martin, Homer Dodge (1836-1897)

Whitman, Walt (1819-1892)

The authors mention that Vedder and Whitman became acquainted during the late 1850s, but does not specifically identify Pfaff's as the location of their meeting.